Report Shows the Catastrophic Consequences of El Nino

Jul 06, 2023 - Views: 964
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According to specialists, El Nino might have a disastrous effect on the global economy.

A study released recently showed that El Nino causes a potpourri of disasters in the years it forms, such as crop-killing droughts, devastating floods,  plummeting fish populations, and an increase in tropical diseases globally.

The study, one of the first to examine the long-term effects of El Nino, anticipates losses that are far higher than those predicted by earlier studies.

El Nino affects both the global weather and the economy

El Nino affects both the global weather and the economy

As stated by the study's authors, some of the world's poorest countries suffer the most during and after El Ninos, and climate change would only make matters worse for them.

Researchers discovered that countries like Peru and other tropical ones were particularly hard-hit by El Nino.

The data pointed out that economic downturns after El Nino could last 14 years or more. 

"We can say with certainty that societies and economies absolutely do not just take a hit and recover," Christopher Callahan, a doctoral candidate in geography at Dartmouth University, added.

In addition, researchers anticipate that the potentially significant El Nino forecast for 2023 alone might slow down the world economy by much to $3 trillion by the year 2029.

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